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Photo of volunteers clearing debris and trees in Marianna, Florida.

Weekly Reports

Dawson Springs, KY – March 24-30, 2024

Five volunteers arrived on Sunday evening from Ohio, our smallest group this winter, but just the right size for finishing up our work here in Dawson Springs this week. Three homes are completed and cleaned and waiting for dedication on Friday.  The...

Hurley, VA – March 24-30, 2024

Late Sunday afternoon, our new crew of capable weekly volunteers arrived. Three of the four men are from North Carolina and one from Colorado. The men applied their skills to various jobs. They removed the chimney, replaced screws and completed the...

Port Isabel, TX – March 24-30, 2024

Kevin Deal is a singer-songwriter from Texas. When he was a kid, the family moved around a lot, but settled in for several years north of Dallas.  He started listening to country music when it was “workin’ man’s” music.  He listened to the...

Hardee County FL – RV – March 24-30, 2024

The Hardee County, FL RV Team finished strong!  The week brought solid pushing to finish up on the Myrtle and Tangerine homes, and to get as far as possible on the Lee St. house. Ray, Dave, Darlene, Rich, Ruby, Sieg, Elenore, Rex, Ed, and Ray all...

Grand Isle, LA – RV – March 24-30, 2024

Our time in Grand Isle has come to an end and with such mixed emotions.  It is always hard to leave a community that you’ve lived and worked in for 3,2 or even 1 month.  The people here in Grand Isle have been so wonderful, kind, and friendly as...

Dawson Springs, KY – March 17-23, 2024

Our weekly volunteers this week travelled from the Mifflinburg, PA area.  There were three couples and 5 single men.  Our work here is winding down, as we will be closing up this site at the end of March. Monday found a large group of volunteers...

Hardee Co, FL – RV – March 17-23, 2024

The Hardee Co RV Team is a hard-working team!  They are making great progress on the Lee St House.  The week’s work consisted of exterior painting and interior drywall.  The drywallers/sanders think the painters had the better job!  By the end...

Grand Isle, LA – RV – March 17-23, 2024

We cannot believe that this is our third week of March already!  Eddie’s house is almost completed except for the kitchen cabinets and bathroom vanities!  This week at Eddie’s house Larry connected and tested the water lines hence, he needed to...

Hurley, VA – March 17-23, 2024

Crew leader, Lauren King, returned home to Ohio last Saturday. Rob Beiswenger from Pennsylvania arrived later that day as her replacement. The weekly volunteers this week are all men from the Ephrata, Pennsylvania area. The four friends traveled...

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