Work at all three homes is expected to be completed this week. Painting on the inside and outside of the Ganzalez home was completed with just a few touch ups remaining. This family of 6 is so grateful for all the work that MDS has done at their...
Work at all three homes is expected to be completed this week. Painting on the inside and outside of the Ganzalez home was completed with just a few touch ups remaining. This family of 6 is so grateful for all the work that MDS has done at their...
This week has been full of new beginnings. New members joined our team this past weekend: Tye and Nancy, Jim and Linda, Steve and Cindy, and Ron & Myra. Over half of us are new to the project! Interestingly, we are equally from the USA and from...
This week is a bittersweet week – over half of our group is leaving this weekend with our volunteer service at Newton TX ending. Vernon and Mary, Tom and Lori, Lynn and Darlene, and Ed and Ruth will be saying good-bye. We have made new...
Work continued this week at the Minter home. Volunteers installed flooring and trim, and then, painted and hung doors in the bathroom. Window boxes were made and installed where the front sliding patio doors had been in the converted garage. ...
Super Bowl Sunday – In the morning, we attended Vision Outreach Church with Mary, the homeowner of the house where we had a house blessing last week. The service was very spontaneous – impromptu musical numbers and testimonies and no...
This week ended with great joy – a house blessing at the Minnix home – a culmination of over 1,000 hours of service given by approximately 24 volunteers over 13 weeks. We are excited for the homeowner who is very eager to move in. The...
The last week of the month – we can’t believe that we have been here for four weeks. And then, we look at the progress the team has made at the two homes we are currently working on, and we comment to each other about our sore muscles, and we...
This was a week of surprises! We have had unseasonably cold weather for January in Texas – or, at least, most of us thought it would be warmer than it has been! However, the snow on Tuesday morning was a real surprise. We decided to go ahead...
We began our second week in Newton by attending the Jasper County Cowboy Church on Sunday morning. In the evening, we met to celebrate Mary’s birthday with ice cream, snacks and another rousing game of Swipe. Monday morning, we again split into...