Number of volunteers: 5 long term (Philip & Elvira Wiebe,AB Marilynn Armstrong, AB Kobe Hutchinson, BC Sara Wiebe, MB. One week volunteers: One mother & son, AB, 2 volunteers from Monte Lake Project, MB one couple joined us Wednesday,...
Number of volunteers: 5 long term (Philip & Elvira Wiebe,AB Marilynn Armstrong, AB Kobe Hutchinson, BC Sara Wiebe, MB. One week volunteers: One mother & son, AB, 2 volunteers from Monte Lake Project, MB one couple joined us Wednesday,...
Sunday evening we were happy to invite eight (8) weekly volunteers from Saint Louis Mennonite Fellowship. After a full day of travel, they still had energy in reserve to participate in the evening orientation. We were blessed to have several...
On July 10 we welcomed a group of 14 from the Mifflinburg area of Pennsylvania. The group was made up of 12 men and two women. They arrived with friendly smiles, and a strong work ethic, ready to work. This group had arrived in Colorado several days...
On July 10 we welcomed a group of five hardworking youth and their 2 sponsors from Fairview, Oklahoma. Most of their week was spent at the camp continuing to take down trees, remove slash, and run it through the chipper. Even though the group was...
We had five young, energetic men join us this week – two from Lancaster, PA and three from WV. Several of them had previously served with MDS, and they all came with valuable carpentry skills. One volunteer was a Ukrainian refugee being...
MDS was blessed with an incredible group of volunteers this week. We had the privilege of hosting a small group of guys from Blumenort (Man.) Mennonite Church (two leaders and two youth), as well as a number of couples from Abbotsford, Alberta, and...
We were delighted to welcome another Goshen group from the Assembly Mennonite Church. Our own Darin Bontrager and his wife Amy were sponsors for the group. The group arrived Sunday evening and completed the orientation provided by Don, project...
Over the weekend, we said goodbye to Carol and Leon Brubaker (head cook and crew leader) and welcomed our new cooks for the month of July, Tim and Dottie Weber. Herb Hoover also joined our team as a crew leader. We welcomed another energetic youth...
On July 3, we welcomed a group of seven volunteers and three sponsors from the Trinity Mennonite Church in Phoenix, Arizona. The group worked at the Riverside Baptist Church Camp. Much of the downed wood that last week’s group cut down was cleared...