Check out the TWO new books from MDS

Check out the TWO new books from MDS

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Rollie, Ryan, Tina, Leo, Mim, Les and Josie continued as the long-term leadership team this week. Our weekly volunteers were Paul Griffiths, from Idaho, and Don Rheinheimer, from Arizona. Don, a member of the MDS board of delegates, spent two weeks assisting our work crew. We appreciated his participation and interaction with our team.

Leo, Paul and Leo’s wife, Mim, almost completed rough-wiring house #4. At the end of one day, while heading back to the truck, Mim sloshed through thick mud and thought her shoes would forever be a muddy mess. Soon, however, she came upon a section of snow that had started to melt, creating puddles of water. Gingerly stepping across the watery, icy section, she was surprised her shoes were sparkling clean by the time she reached the truck. This crew was able to meet the homeowner when he stopped in a few minutes one day.  

Les, Ryan and Don headed up north to house #3 on top of the mountain. Each day, Les skillfully maneuvered the truck up the slippery snowy mountain road, enabling them to reach the house uneventfully with only an occasional gasp from the back seat. They worked on soffit, doors and deck framing. They also hauled and unloaded siding in preparation for future work crews who will install the siding. Les chopped wood for the homeowners, who are living in a small trailer. The homeowners prepared a lunch of chili the next day to show their appreciation for the hard-working crew. 

Christy, homeowner of house #1, stopped at the office one day this week. In her conversation, she referred to the Bible verse that mentions building a house with a solid foundation. She exclaimed, “My house is built with love from all the people God has sent.” She wants to express from her heart, “You are not just building a house for me; you are helping to restore my whole life.”

Rollie had a nice conversation with the homeowner of house #2 when he was at the site. All four homeowners had contact with someone from our team this week!

Wednesday evening, some of the Okanogan County Long Term Recovery Group, joined us for the evening meal. The director of the group showed a video of fires that have devasted this area over the past years.

Friday evening, Rollie grilled hamburgers and Tina, our amazing cook, prepared root beer floats. A nice ending to a good week!


Submitted by Josie Swartzentruber
For the Okanogan Team

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