Check out the TWO new books from MDS

Check out the TWO new books from MDS

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We had a very productive week down here in HOT southern Texas! First of all, because the temperatures were in the 90’s we had the AC Company come out and install the air conditioner units (mini-splits) in #15 Citation Dr., the house we finished last week and #16 Malibu Dr.  We had to power the AC with the MDS generator since the local power company still has not hooked up the power to either house.   Val, Lyn, Millie, Fred, Mark, Martha, Sarah, Paul, Ev, Ed, and Pete worked at #16 Malibu Dr. house working on electrical, installing flooring, painting ceilings, walls and trim, and installing kitchen cabinets.

On Thursday afternoon we had the house blessing for #15, Malibu Dr. Since the mini split (air conditioner) was installed, MDS powered it with their generator so we could have the house blessing inside.  It was a beautiful ceremony as the homeowner had quite a bit of her family present.  We all enjoyed a delicious meal of chicken tostadas, fruit, beverages and cake made and served to us by the homeowner and her family.

This week we sadly said goodbye to 4 couples who served here at McAllen TX RV for the past 2 months-Val and Lyn, Sarah and Paul, Millie and Fred, Ruth and Ed.  As a send off for them we enjoyed a meal of pizza and salad Thursday evening.

We welcomed 5 new people to the project this weekend.  Welcome Cecile and Les from Manitoba, Canada; Dave and Marian from Pennsylvania and Trish from Colorado. We are so happy to have y’all on board!  On Sunday we all went to Cowboy Church of the Valley in Santa Rosa and out to Golden Corral Buffet and Grill for lunch afterwards.  We are looking forward to another fun and productive month in southern Texas.

Loretta for the McAllen RV project – Peter, Mark, Martha, Ev, Bev, Cecile, Les, Dave, Marian and Trish

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