Check out the TWO new books from MDS

Check out the TWO new books from MDS

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The work in Marianna continues with very cool mornings and warmer afternoons.  We worked on four different jobs and ended the work week with a house blessing at Job #2.  When Ray’s team left the Job #2 home on Wednesday, the living area was basically empty.  Upon their return on Thursday morning, the gentleman had arranged furniture and decorated the room in preparation for the house blessing (see picture below).  What a joy to see him use the repaired space!  

Job #2 – Ray’s team spent the week finishing up details on painting, caulking and flooring to bring this home to completion, culminating in the house blessing Thursday noon.  

Job #3 – Three members of Ray’s team worked at this job all week.  They did drywall, plumbing, flooring, painting and replaced a window.  Following the house blessing at Job #2, all members of the team finished the afternoon at this site.

Job #4 – Fred, Lynn and Steve worked at this site all week, with Val joining them on Wednesday and Thursday.  Val did interior painting in the house and the guys continued work on the deck roof and installed a new door and exterior siding on the porch area.  This work has been put on hold now due to the discovery of a hive of bees in the attic space.  Fred is attempting to find someone to remove the bees and honey so our work can be completed.

Job #5 – Ed, Trella, Millie, Pam and Val continued work on this home – laying laminate flooring and replacing door trim.  Val painted walls and trim on Monday and Tuesday, before joining the guys at Job #4.  Dwight put his organization skills to good use this week in cleaning and organizing the tool trailer.  He also built steps for safer access to the tool trailer.  

Flexibility is a key ingredient on the MDS work sites.  We found it necessary to be flexible on Thursday evening – our planned outdoor hot dog roast was redirected to the kitchen/common area due to the windy conditions.  Ed and Jim grilled the hot dogs and we enjoyed our meal inside, ending with homemade ice cream.  We said good-by to Fred – he is returning home to VA after serving with us for four weeks.  On Sunday evening, 11 of our group met to play games, and everyone enjoyed the relaxing time together.  


Submitted by Ruth for the Entire Team

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