Check out the TWO new books from MDS

Check out the TWO new books from MDS

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Included in this report are updates on our jobsites for two weeks.   I was called out-of-state for a family emergency and am now catching up!  

Job #3 – Ray’s team continued to work on flooring, painting, and trim work.  Kitchen cabinets were delivered on Thursday, February 10, and were installed the following week.  They put on new countertops and finished up other miscellaneous details to bring this home to completion.   A prayer and house blessing was held on Wednesday afternoon.  

Job #5 – Ed, Dwight, and Steve installed a door and baseboard trim.  Trella, Millie, and Pam finished the flooring and Val painted door jams and trim.  Lynn got the stove connected.  This job has been put on hold until cabinets are delivered.

Job #6 – Several members of Ray’s team have been working at this site.  They did framing and installation of drywall, and floor work in preparation for installing flooring.  They reset the front door and hung kitchen cabinets. After finishing the drywall, they have painted.

Job #7 – All of Fred’s team has been working on this site.  Everyone is busy with demo of some of the ceilings and floors, floor repair, installation of flooring, hanging drywall, taping and mudding, framing of doorways, removing wallpaper, replacing the tub and shower valves, and preparing for painting.  When the children arrive home from school each afternoon, they are overjoyed to see the progress that has been made throughout the day.  

Job #9 – Work was begun at this site on Thursday, February 17, by Ray’s team.  They began with framing and insulation in the laundry room and painting of the hall ceiling.

Thursday evening the team enjoyed frozen yogurt at Milk and Honey as a farewell to Lynn and Val.  They have been a great asset to our team and will be missed.  Ev and Bev, from Michigan, have joined our team.  On Friday evening, Dan, Rhoda and Phil Yoder blessed us with a fish fry with all the trimmings.  Delicious food!


Submitted by Ruth for the Entire Team

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