May 25, 2024
Lytton, BC – May 19-25, 2024
Volunteers are continuing to make progress on the house rebuild in Lytton, B.C.
Wayne Drudge, Leonard Peters and Otto Neufeld from B.C. came to use their skills this week along with the rest of the crew: Todd, Rhonda and Dave.
Patsy and Owen, homeowners of the rebuild, are finding that there are an incredible number of decisions to make around building a new house. Together with their market gardening, they are a very busy couple, currently staying across the Fraser River from their house build. Owen is frequently at the building site.
So, this week the Tyvek house wrap got put on and the three exterior doors and doorknobs installed. Great for keeping out the wind! Posts were furred out in preparation for hardy board.
Backing for ceiling drywall and handrail/towel bar were installed. Metal roofing, soffit and flashing were started early in the week and by the weekend were nearly completed. Ridge cap and ridge vent will go on next week. Window flashing and the west gable end shingle hardy board siding are on. When time allowed, a few wood slat cooling racks were made for the kitchen and as a gift to Patsy. An electrician, plumber and HVAC company have been here this week and hopefully will complete their work next week.
On Tuesday, MDS volunteers attended a groundbreaking ceremony for the installation of a new sign, welcoming travelers to the Fraser Valley Canyon. On Friday our neighbours, Shirley and Allen came for supper, and we had a great evening together. On Saturday, long-term volunteers went to Lillooet for supplies and a nice lunch out together.