Check out the TWO new books from MDS

Check out the TWO new books from MDS

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Our crew remains similar to last week, except Gerald Dyck, the response co-coordinator with Mark Rempel, came to help and encourage us for a few days. 

Monday: The week began with completing sheathing of the shear walls. Due to prevailing high winds in this area, extra bracing becomes a necessity. Final bracing of trusses and walls have been completed. In the four-foot crawl space, Rhonda started to seal around the Styrofoam blocks between the outer wall floor joists with a spray foam insulation. Todd completed the installation of the deck post columns with GRK screws into the framed headers. 

Tuesday: The short radon pipe in the crawl space was extended with a longer pipe going through the floor, wall and up into the attic. The spray foam insulation was completed between the floor joists in the crawl space. The stairs into the crawl space were built, installed and reinforced with an extra stringer on each side. The preparation, house wrap and sill sealer around the door frames was completed and is now ready for the installation of three exterior doors next week. The house was swept and tidied.  

Wednesday: All nine windows were delivered, and some installed before the arrival of our guests from the MDS Canada office: Clara, Nikki and Rose. Nikki interviewed our homeowners, Patsy and Owen, while Clara and Rose got a quick tour of the MDS Lytton campsite. Judy and Anna provided muffins and coffee at the jobsite on that windy morning. All nine windows were successfully installed by the end of second coffee. Dave and Todd did some maintenance work repairing frayed electrical wires on extension cords and electrical tools and replaced saw blades.   

Thursday: Ben and Otto arrived to discuss siding. Otto is a siding specialist. The engineer’s inspection checked out. All is good to keep going! Todd and Dave furred out the bottom of fascia board for soffit preparation while Rhonda and Anna installed six inches of house wrap around bottom of exterior house walls. 

Friday: Went to Lillooet for lumber and rented scaffolding and set it up in preparation for roofing and siding. The electrician arrived and started installing the wiring. 


Crew and community updates: 

Judy makes amazing dishes that often require her to share recipes. Thanks Judy! She is also great at incorporating donated foods into the menu. 

Our neighbours in Lytton and area are generous and have gifted us with garden fresh spinach and kale (from Patsy) and fresh rhubarb, homemade feta and halloumi cheese (from Tricia). Shirley has also generously allowed us to pick books from her “basement book shop.” 


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