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The Lytton, British Columbia response is located in a beautiful mountain valley beside the confluence of the Thompson and Fraser rivers. 

On June 30, 2021, a wildfire swept through the village of Lytton, destroying more than 90% of the town and killing two people. The fire wiped out the town’s infrastructure including the fire hall, police station, grocery stores, restaurants, town hall and records, museum, and approximately 100 homes. Quite miraculously, St. Barnabas Church, Rectory and Parish Hall survived the fire.   

Bunks have been set up in the bedrooms and meals are prepared in the kitchen.  

We are building a house for Owen and Patsy at the south end of the village. The groundwork for the foundation was completed on April 8. The footings, foundation and concrete floor in the crawl space were completed as of April 26. 

Seven volunteers were at the project the week of April 14 – 19 and six volunteers the week of April 21 – 26. Volunteers have travelled here from Abbotsford, Chilliwack, Kelowna and Tsawwasswen, British Columbia and Coaldale, Alberta. Erna Swan cooked delicious meals, Henry Warkentin was the project director and Elizabeth Warkentin, the office manager. 


Some highlights: 

  • Volunteer cooperation and attitudes have been amazing. 
  • The homeowner, Owen, has worked alongside the volunteers every day.  
  • We had Owen and Patsy join us for supper on Thursday. They shared their story and volunteers asked questions, it was a great evening.   


Plans for the next week: Put on the sub floor and frame the walls in preparation for the delivery of the trusses on May 6. 



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