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The Hardee County, FL RV Team finished strong!  The week brought solid pushing to finish up on the Myrtle and Tangerine homes, and to get as far as possible on the Lee St. house. Ray, Dave, Darlene, Rich, Ruby, Sieg, Elenore, Rex, Ed, and Ray all put in many hours at Lee St doing painting, electrical, plumbing, trim work, flooring, and cabinet installation.  Toward the end of the week, Elenore, Ruby, Darlene, and Mim also put in hours doing final cleaning at Tangerine and Myrtle. 

Unfortunately, due to some of the trades not getting in to do their final work – in spite of early requests – we were not able to participate in house blessings for Myrtle and Tangerine.  Our course, this was disappointing to us, but realize that even though our work was done, a final inspection cannot be done until all work is completed.  Our partnering agency will do the home dedications and will present our gifts of wall hangings on our behalf. 

We once again enjoyed a great social time together.  Tuesday evening we were guests of Send Me Missions who hosted a Volunteer Appreciation Dinner for many volunteers in the area.  It was a delightful evening meeting others who are working here, as well as enjoying delicious food!  Our team had a farewell breakfast Friday morning as we prepared to say our goodbyes.  More good food and great visiting!  We have all thoroughly enjoyed our weeks in Hardee County, FL and leave with new friends and many great memories! 

Sherry for Ray, Mim, Ed, Dave, Karen, Rex, Barb, Rich, Ruby, Ray, Darlene, Sieg, and Elenore 

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