March 16, 2024
Hardee County FL – RV – March 10-16, 2024
It’s hard to believe that our March is already half over! Time is going much too quickly! The team here worked hard this week and good progress was made.
Ray, Darlene, Sieg, Elenore, Dave, Ruby, and Mim completed the painting and trim at the Myrtle Street house, as well as installed a bifold door, and then did almost final clean-up. After the trades complete their work and we do final clean-up, this house will be ready to go!
Over at the Lee St house, Rex, Rich, Ed, and Ray continued to work on plumbing, electrical, and framing. Sieg joined this crew for blocking, soffit installation, as well as putting up insulation. Then it was time to drywall. Our friends from Christian Disaster Mission are lending a hand with the drywalling which is much appreciated! Toward the end of the week, Mim, Elenore, Ruby, Darlene, and Ray joined the Lee St. team to continue the inside work, and since the stucco was applied to the cement block house, they began the exterior painting as well. This is a hard working team!
But, it’s not all work and no play. Thursday evening we enjoyed a “Haystacks” supper with everyone bringing something to contribute to a haystack – or taco salad – buffet. And, since it was almost St. Patrick’s Day, we managed to have some green on that table! Also, we had a birthday to celebrate, so cake and ice cream was in order. After the food, the team became better acquainted with an “interesting fact about me” game. Various team members used their days off over the weekend to explore several of the very interesting areas within driving distance of Zolfo Springs.
Sherry for the Hardee Co RV team: Ray, Mim, Ed, Ray, Darlene, Dave, Karen, Rex, Barb, Rich, Ruby, Sieg, and Elenore
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