Check out the TWO new books from MDS

Check out the TWO new books from MDS

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Sort of like Noah’s ark, we arrived two by two last week, until all twelve of us were at Pioneer Park in Zolfo Springs, Florida. We had been praying for one another’s safety as we traveled with our assortment of RVs, and are thankful to be able to say that we all arrived without incident!  We are from Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Ohio, Maryland, and North Carolina.

Last week was not an official work week, because we did not all arrive until Saturday, but a lot of work was accomplished.  Mitch Kingsley, our Project Director, visited our first two homeowners and assessed the needs, and where to start.  He and his wife Ann picked up a dumpster trailer from the Arcadia Traditional Project, and Mitch and Andy Hudak dropped it off at a client’s home. There was much to do to ready the office trailer, and Ann Kingsley, and Paul and Sarah Szatmary (office manager) did a lot of unpacking and cleaning. Other tasks were getting a P.O. Box, shopping, and Dave Olson and Paul Szatmary installed a window unit air conditioner in the office trailer. Kudos to Mim and Ray Heisey for all for all they did in October to make it possible for us to have full hookups!

Saturday night, we had a get-together (snacks included!) to welcome everyone to the project, and to get acquainted. We knew that a Low Rider event was to take place on Sunday, here in our area of the park. But we were all surprised when we returned from church to find our RVs tightly surrounded!  We embraced the opportunity, and bought our lunches at the various food tables.  Later, we had our orientation meeting, and learned about the first two houses the team will be working on.

This week, work is to start with helping a disabled homeowner be able to get rid of some things, so that drywall with water damage and possible mold can be removed.  Another homeowner’s home needs new flooring and a new ceiling, so the team will begin by removing the damaged floor and ceiling.

So that’s the news from Hardee County RVers,

Mitch & Ann, Cindy & Steve, Andy & Maureen, Karen & Dave, Lee & Kathy, Sarah & Paul

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