Join us! Register for our 2025 Annual Celebration and 75th Anniversary

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Crisfield MDS welcomed 7 women from Wisconsin and a group from Byerland Mennonite Church in Pa. It was a week characterized by much laughter and joy.


Monday morning the drywall at the Sterling house was completed and by the end of the week, it was completely painted. It was reported by the homeowner that they heard beautiful singing as the work progressed.


The masons worked on the foundation for the Bennett house and volunteers turned the task of shoveling and moving the 3 loads of backfill around into a game.


At the Cropper house, the plumber was unable to use his equipment to dig a ditch to be able to connect to the sewer because the rain had made a mess of the yard. So a group of industrious volunteers dug the ditch by hand so that we could take a step forward towards getting this homeowner into her home! Crazy as it sounds, this group was wishing they had more dirt to move.


The work at the Farrell house included drywalling, painting, a new floor and ceiling for the porch. Denise came for the Wednesday night meal and shared her story. When we discovered she did not have a Bible, we were able to give one to her and highlight the verses in Jeremiah and Proverbs that were shared previously.


This week ends the month of service for long term volunteers J Loren Yoder (Project Director), Walt & Millie Kurtz (Assistant and Head Cook), Nevin High (Crew Leader), and Stu & Starla Landis (Crew Leader and Office Manager).


The reins for the ongoing projects here in Crisfield were handed over to Verne & Joyce Geissinger (Project Director and Assistant Cook), Josie Swartzentruber (Office Manager), Paul Jutzi (Crew Leader), (David Norris (Crew Leader), and Lois Wenger (Head Cook)

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