February 18, 2023
Crisfield, MD – Feb. 12-18, 2023
3 homes are getting closer to Inspections, Dedications and Moving In as volunteers finished up details like appliances hook up, some painting, sealing sprinklers and laying moisture barrier.
The repair work at Mr Carman’s house continued with the flooring almost complete, electrical issues solved, and drywall hung up the stairway.
At the Sterling house, the 96-foot ramp was completed with its 500+ pickets. The sprinkler system was installed and inspected so all the volunteers here this week helped carry the (60) 12 ft drywall sheets up the 8 ft steps into the livingroom so its there and ready when they need it next week after the insulation is installed.
A new homeowner, Susan, is having her home repaired by MDS. A big project was removing the porch floor, replacing the joists and giving her a new floor. Lots of cleaning up in the kitchen in preparation for doing the same to the kitchen floor and joists.
Mr Bennett’s old house was removed and filled in and we anticipate footer and foundation work to begin next week.
Starla Landis
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