November 21, 2021
Coastal Bend, TX – Nov 14-21, 2021
In 1 Thessalonians 5:18 Paul writes “give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in everything; hold fast to what is good.” We here at Coastal Bend are giving thanks for God’s hand of protection over our group as we work on the new homes that have been built by Disaster Aid of Ohio.
One of the team members, Karen told us the first week she arrived that every time she fell it has resulted in a broken bone. We gave the glory to God when she took a fall last week without sustaining any injury. We praise the Lord that materials have arrived when needed. We are currently adding cement pads, stairs, railings, and a handicap ramp on homes in Aransas Pass and Refugio. We are also doing some blocking for dry wall, kitchen fixtures and the bathroom fixtures in all three homes. The cement work was expertly handled by Ken and Rita although all the guys helped load and unload 49 bags of concrete.
As we approach Thanksgiving, we are truly grateful for the friendships that have developed within the team. The care given to one another when a need arises. Here at the park the guys have done some extra work on Fridays helping the owner take care of a small mold project in the office. We will hold our Thanksgiving meal in the office as it is really a modular home on the property. We are excited about our Thanksgiving celebration this coming Friday, not because of the abundance of food, but a homeowner will be joining our group to celebrate with us. Let us reflect on Colossians 3:17 “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.
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