February 18, 2022
Coastal Bend, TX – Feb 14-18, 2022
On Sunday afternoon we went to Corpus Christi to pick up five young ladies from New York who will be volunteering for the week. It was fun to see them again as they had served with a couple of us some years ago in Jamestown, CO! They are glad to be out of the cold into some nice Texas sunshine! On Tuesday, Landon joined us for the rest of the week. He was a volunteer with us two weeks ago, had done some traveling, and then came back to work again!
Monday morning found 3 young women headed to the house in Gregory to hang interior doors and work on door casings and windowsills. The work continued there on Tuesday. Two of the ladies and Andy went with Merlyn to the Habitat build to continue putting on the hardie siding and soffit, and by Tuesday evening that was finished.
Another crew headed to 10th Street on Tuesday to do some painting and other indoor trim and cabinet work. On Tuesday and Wednesday the cook and OM escaped and went to paint exterior doors on two of the homes, one black and one a lovely Juneberry! Ron headed up a crew of several ladies who painted interior doors and trim here on site for several days. We are waiting for some trades to do their work so we can continue work on several of the homes. Hopefully that will get done so we will have plenty of work for the volunteers.
By Friday, doors were being installed at 10th Street and a crew went to Gregory to continue working on trim. We got inspection at Mr. Stan’s and so several volunteers started with insulation there.
On Tuesday evening Christopher and Donna spent the evening with us. They are key folks working with the Coastal Bend Disaster Recovery Group, and they inspired us with lots of information and stories of the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey and all that has transpired since.
On Thursday the crews worked for the morning and we ate our lunches at the beach. In the evening we had our weekly campfire, but we didn’t enjoy it long as it was too windy and we lost several buns and plates off in the wind!!
Weekly Words: People see how you live and read the word of God in your life.
Coastal Bend Long Term Team –Ron & Char, Andy & Maureen, Melvyn, Mike & Linda
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