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We welcomed 10 weekly volunteers to Arcadia this week, eight from Canada and two from Ohio. They came with lots of energy, ready to tackle the work before them.

In addition to the current houses we’ve been working on, several new clients were added this week. Sharon’s roof was damaged, so a crew removed the old shingles and replaced her roof with a nice new metal one. They installed a new front door as well.

Joni’s house needed new vinyl siding, which was installed, along with foam insulation. They also installed insulation and drywall in the master bath, and vinyl flooring throughout.

Jose’s house repairs continued with removing and installing a new front door and installing a new water heater. Some of the crew cleaned up the site, which involved a few more trips to the landfill. The kitchen cabinets were set in place and countertops installed; wainscoting and trim was installed. New skirting was also put around the outside of the home.

Robert and Kerri were very appreciative to see their project move along to the inside of their home where more cleanup happened. Carpet was removed, and floorboards cleaned. Flooring was installed and they prepped for paint and stipple removal. Paneling was put in the living room.

A highlight of the week occurred at Robert and Kerri’s when one day a meaningful conversation happened between our volunteers and Robert and Kerri. Kerri is currently being treated for cancer and our volunteers offered to pray for her, which she gratefully accepted. They stood in a circle, held hands, and each person offered up a prayer for her. We were told that the Spirit’s presence was in their midst.

Mary’s home is very near completion, awaiting an order for a few remaining pieces needed to finish. Screens were made and installed during the week. She is so appreciative for all MDS volunteers have done for her! On Friday, our volunteers helped deliver a U-Haul full of furniture for her donated by a church in Sarasota. She said it felt like an early birthday present as her birthday is next week.

On Wednesday evening we were delighted to welcome six new long-term volunteers to our team. Fred and Millie Hershey will serve as Project Director and Assistant Cook, Peter and Margaret Goertzen will serve as Construction Supervisor and Head Cook, and Roger and Anne Friesen will be Crew Leader and Office Manager. The current long-term volunteers spent the last couple of days passing the baton to the new crew and saying our goodbyes.

Submitted for,

Verrne, Joyce, Pietje, Royce, Henry, Richard, Bill, Beverly

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