June 2, 2022
Monte Lake, B.C. – May 22-28, 2022
This week a couple from Manitoba came to volunteer with his parents, who were already here.
At Tammy & Dustan’s: the excavator arrived on Monday and dug steps for the foundation forms. The rebar and material for foundation forms was delivered and by the end of the week, the foundation forms were finished and the area tamped down with compactor. Ready for inspection and concrete next week.
At Hal & Linda’s: the house area was staked out and excavation finished. Ready to set up foundation forms.
At Ted & Michelle’s: In Kaitlyne’s tiny house the bathroom was emptied and then the bathroom plumbing and the walk-in shower were installed. The bathroom walls were drywalled. The kitchen sink drain was installed. The tile under the wood stove was installed, grouted and sealed. In the bedroom addition, Ted had done most of the electrical, and with Kaitlyne’s help we installed the insulation and poly wrapped the walls. Foam strips were tucked into the ridge cap.
At Robert & Michelle’s: we were excited when the inspector passed inspection on the foundation forms and we could order the concrete!! So, our first concrete pour for our first foundation was on Wednesday, with the help of Robert, the home owner, we had a great day! By the end of the week we were almost finished with the ICF Bloc forms. The 8 x 10 shed was finished.
The cook and her assistant did an amazing job of feeding us great meals, fresh baking and 3 kinds of cookies! We will miss them next week ?.
Anna reporting for Dave, Maria, Gordon, Todd, Lorissa, Teagan, Walter, Sarah, Lindsay, Betty Shannon, John & Linda.
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