Check out the TWO new books from MDS

Check out the TWO new books from MDS

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This past week we had an amazing group of volunteers from all over Canada, some of whom were long-time volunteers with MDS and others who were excited to serve with MDS for the very first time.

We also had two special guests from MDS’s office in Winnipeg come and serve for the week: Clara Flores and Kelsey Friesen.

In total, we had twelve weekly volunteers on top of the nine long-term volunteers. We also welcomed Roman Heuft, the new Project Director for Monte Lake. We are thankful for his service and look forward to seeing what God does in and through him as he takes on this responsibility.

Due to the number of inspections conducted on the homes, and due to the different stages the various homes are in, the volunteers were often shuffled between sites. However, amazing progress was still made on each of the homes.

Regarding progress made on the Eager home, the foundation was poured, the peel and stick applied, the under-slab plumbing installed, and the dimple board installed.

On the Maisonneuve home, crew leader Peter Thiessen and his group almost finished the framing.

The Hanton home progressed speedily as well; the exterior wall framing was completed by the end of the week.

And finally, the Peden home made great progress as well, as the footings were poured and the ICF foundation installed. We are currently waiting for an inspection on the Peden house before we can continue; this should happen on Monday the 27th.

Renovations were also made here at Westwold Community Hall. Because there are a number of large groups volunteering in the coming weeks, some volunteers stayed behind at the Hall to construct three rooms inside the community hall – these rooms each contain two beds, which means we can now comfortably add six more volunteers.

The volunteers (weekly and long-term alike) quickly grew comfortable with each other; each morning and evening was filled with laughing, stories, and fellowship. The meals made by Karin and Helmut Hein were amazing, something the volunteers were extremely grateful for! The weather this week was flawless, so crews were able to work on the jobsites each and every day. All of our volunteers were able to learn new skills and enjoyed themselves greatly as they served the Monte Lake community, each other, and God as they swung hammers, used power tools, and did simple cleaning.

This Friday we said goodbye to three long term volunteers who served passionately and sacrificially during their time at Monte Lake: Shannon Lang and Lindsay Hofer and Errol Stein (one of our crew leaders). Their service is greatly appreciated! We hope and pray that God will be with them as they go their separate ways.

This community is incredibly grateful to MDS for its faithful and sacrificial service; let us continue being the hands and feet of Christ as we extend the Kingdom of God to the world around us.

Thank you: Gordon Shea, Al & Marlene Friesen, Clara Flores, Grant & Joan Kowalenko, Kelsey Friesen, Joe Houtman, Laurie & Lola McGladdery, Peter & Susan Thiessen. LT Volunteers: Roman Heuft, Kobe Hutchinson, Karin & Helmut Hein, Errol Stein, Robert Prinse, Lindsay Hofer, Betty Ramones, Shannon Lang.

Reporting: Kobe Hutchinson

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