Check out the TWO new books from MDS

Check out the TWO new books from MDS

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We had a group of 14 weekly volunteers from VA and NY along with two longer term volunteers from VA and Germany.

On the del Angel house we built the decks, installed the doors, siding and got it completely painted.

The Rodríguez house the deck was built, doors and the last window was installed, the siding was finished and it is ready for painting.

On the Casas house we finished the roof, installed the windows and doors, built the back deck and started the siding.

World Renew has been working on the Cisneros house. They have the insulation completed except where we needed it left open for plumbing. They have also started to put siding on it.

The weather was very pleasant with no rain Hooray!

We shared some of our volunteers with the La Posada Providencea project preparing for and pouring concrete.

Very grateful for younger and very energetic volunteers, hot meals, Christian Fellowship and many prayers, support from each other, safety and much laughter.

From McAllen TX

Jonas, Brydon, Joanne, Tina, Peter, Margaret, LeRoy and Doreen

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