April 1, 2023
Jennings, LA – March 26 – April 1, 2023
This is our last week at Jennings, for the winter season and possibly ever. It remains to be seen whether an MDS presence will return in the fall. So we are making the most of it, with “lasts” to last in our memories forever. The church people are treating us to meals out, meals in, frozen Cajun food to go, and lots of hugs all round. We feel very loved and grateful for all of them.
Last Saturday we took a swamp boat tour and managed to see ospreys nesting, cormorants and anhingas, and two alligators, one just a baby.
Our crew of twelve this week is from the Lititz area. We have enjoyed getting to know the six girls and six boys, who are working hard and enjoying themselves immensely. We are thankful to have them!! Last week was nice, but very quiet.
We are also grateful to have Gabby here this week, to cook for us, with the help of Marlene Martin from Stevens, PA. It has been fun to have someone directly from the Lititz office. Thanks, y’all!
On Thursday we had our last home dedication, for Terry Prudhomme and his wife LouGracious. They treated us to a meal in thankfulness for their new kitchen, utility room and sitting room. We feasted on baked chicken, green beans and salad, and jumbalaya.
We wish we could say we finished up all the other homes as well, but two will be turned over to the Baptist group that is here, to finish before they leave at the end of April. We managed to get Stephanie Celestine’s house all sided, but we could not hang drywall because the inspector has not yet come to look over the electrical. So we will have to trust that someone can do it next month.
Likewise Minna Edwards’ home in Jennings will not be complete before we leave. It will have painted siding and a shingled roof, as well as the front porch. Minna came to dinner with her grandson, who is eager to choose his room. He got an MDS sweatshirt to help him remember us by.
Submitted by Christa Barth on behalf of the Jennings team
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