July 1, 2022
Jennings, LA – June 26-July 2
“Small, but mighty” might describe the group from Newton, KS, Faith Mennonite Church SYP. The group of five had a variety of work experiences and learned new skills. One of the youths loved being able to cut flooring and install it. They were able at two repair jobs this week to finish painting and flooring and putting in cabinets.
At the new build they worked on interior walls, put top plate on the walls and blocking for drywall. They then finished sheeting the exterior wall, put house wrap on, and started putting in the windows. The homeowner expressed in writing how she started to see the rainbow at the end of the storms when inspectors said “her trailer needed to be condemned and she was getting a new house BUILT!!! All I could do was cry and give God all the Honor and praise, and thankfulness for showing me favor! Hurricanes Laura and Delta tried to break me, test me, and make me lose focus, but God said ask and ye shall receive! This organization is like no other.”
Those words and thoughts are similar to the homeowner who came to eat with us one evening and to share her story. She called MDS volunteers her “angels of mercy.” At her house paint was scraped and the porch sanded so that new paint could be applied. That was hard work, but they definitely could see the results of their efforts.
We enjoyed visits from MDS staffers this week. Caleb Gingerich, Becky Gochnauer, and Susan Kim spent time visiting the work sites and pitching in with some of the work. As one month ends and another begins, some long-term volunteers are leaving and new faces are coming to fill the spots. The work will continue.
For the Jennings crew,
Michele, Ryan, Edith, David, Emily, Nelson, Marie, and Don
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