Join us on Saturday for the 2025 Annual Celebration Live Stream

Join us Saturday for the 2025 Annual Celebration Live

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“When y’all first came [to my house] I had no heat, no ceiling, only a small space heater, I was putting shower curtains on the ceiling to try and keep the heat from going out.” Pam Parker came to our dinner tonight and wanted to thank us from her heart for the hope we gave her by being here and working on her home. She is so grateful for each little step forward that we are able to help them with.

She brought her daughter and granddaughter: “I’ve been living with them, and if I get up at night I sneak around because my daughter works and my granddaughter goes to school. I will be SO happy to get back to my own house.”

Pam Parker’s home, meanwhile, is looking nearly finished. Doors and flooring have gone in, walls are painted, and cabinets appeared on Thursday. The two resident dogs will be happy to have company again!

Sheryl Benoit was also at supper with us Thursday night. She walked in jubilating that her cabinets are now in the house. Her suddenly uncooperative plumbing even got fixed, thanks to one of the young men we had here this week.

“I have everything I need, and I still complain.” This from John, who presented a devotional about prayer and trust that prayers will be answered. We meet so much of this faith down here, people who firmly believe that their prayers will be answered. Some of their prayers were answered by Mennonite Disaster Service calling or walking in their door. The answer to complaining? Thankfulness, says John. It was certainly evident last night in the demeanors of both Pam and Sheryl.

Bryant Swiers led a roofing crew this week who seemed to get amazing amounts accomplished. With the help of Ernest Sensenig, Bryant successfully led two small crews to complete or nearly complete work on four different homes, including painting and trim work.

Submitted by Christa Barth on behalf of the Jennings team

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