August 29, 2022
Jennings, LA – August 21-27, 2022
We enjoyed a fun week with the Bomberger family from Lititz, Pennsylvania. Gabby Bomberger, MDS Volunteer Training Specialist, along with her father, Todd, and brother, Zach, arrived Sunday evening. They put in a full week of work, along with our year-long volunteer, Jonas. Tuesday evening, Crist Bross, MDS Fleet & Logistics Manager, joined the team for a few days.
Gabby, our cook for the week, prepared delicious meals, much to the delight of the office manager who may have had to fill in, if Gabby had not been present. Todd, Zach and Jonas cleaned up and prepared for the gas dig at the new build in Welsh. They hung drywall throughout the entire house, then taped and mudded the drywall. The crew of three worked efficiently, while learning new skills. Crist checked the vehicles both here at Jennings and at Lake Charles. His tips, while assisting the crew with mudding and taping, added to the efficiency of the hard-working volunteers. We are grateful for the dedication and diligence of this group.
The volunteers enjoyed meeting the homeowner, as well as the neighbors across the street from where they were working. They had a chance, one afternoon, to stop in at the Gator Chateau and experienced holding baby alligators. A top highlight was meeting and interacting with the church members, who added spice to our evening conversations.
Don ensured supplies were available at the job site, met with an upcoming client and conversed with the project director who will be taking his place next week. We will miss Don and his valuable contributions as he completes two months of service as project director and returns home to Johnstown, Pennsylvania.
Submitted by Josie for the Jennings Team
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