August 22, 2022
Jennings, LA – August 14-20, 2022
August 14 to 20 was a quiet, but exciting week in Jennings, Louisiana. It was a quiet week because we had no weekly volunteers. It was an exciting week because Jonas Schmidt, from Altenbeken, Germany arrived mid-week as a year-long volunteer. Jonas will serve alongside the weekly volunteers each week helping to repair and build houses. He will work in the Jennings, Louisiana area for two months before moving on to another MDS project location.
Don and Jonas purchased supplies for the new build in preparation for up-coming volunteer crews. Jonas cleaned up and organized the section of the gym where supplies are stored.
Even though we had no cook this week, we were still well-fed. Various members of the Jennings Church of Christ gladly ensured that our evening meals were provided.
Submitted by Josie for the Jennings Team
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