March 28, 2024
Grand Isle, LA – RV – March 24-30, 2024
Our time in Grand Isle has come to an end and with such mixed emotions. It is always hard to leave a community that you’ve lived and worked in for 3,2 or even 1 month. The people here in Grand Isle have been so wonderful, kind, and friendly as well as very appreciative of the work we were able to accomplish. This week we finished both houses we have been working on, and had house-blessings in each one. Finishing touches were made at Eddie’s house this week before we could have the house blessing. Mark installed the final trim, Ron, Leonard, Mark, and Pete finished installing the kitchen countertop, Larry connected the vanity drain, and Twila and Myra finished touching up and cleaning. On Tuesday the Bayou Community Foundation, Father Mark from Our Lady of the Isle Catholic Church and other friends of Eddie’s joined us in the House Blessing. Eddie was presented with a quilted wall hanging made by the Mennonite Women USA, a Swiffer and a Bible. Twila made yummy cinnamon rolls for refreshments. As usual it was a beautiful ceremony, where we could really feel the presence of God as we spoke the words of the Litany.
Chris’s house also needed a few finishing touches before we had the house blessing. Lorna, Milton, and Martha finished installing window trim, cabinet kickboards, baseboard, and trim. Jamie, Chris’s stepdaughter, lives in the section of the home that we repaired, so she has been working right alongside our MDS team. Chris, Jamie and her son were all present at the house-blessing. Jamie was presented with a wall hanging made by the Mennonite Women USA, a Swiffer and a Bible.
Of course, we couldn’t leave the island without going out to lunch at the Starfish Restaurant one more time! Milton and Lorna treated us all to lunch after Chris’ house blessing. During our MDS experience each year it is with great joy that we can help homeowners get into their homes after a disaster, but it is also a great opportunity to make new friends. As Jennifer from Bayou Community Foundation stated at the house blessing we will be taking a little bit of Grand Isle with us in our hearts (and (sand) shoes, and campers, etc).
Submitted by Loretta for the Grand Isle RV Team-Pete, Myra and Ron, Lorna and Milton, Martha and Mark, Leonard and Twila and Larry
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