Check out the TWO new books from MDS

Check out the TWO new books from MDS

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This past weekend we were happy to welcome our new long term team for the month of March.  Steve and Gina joined us from PA as crew leader and long term volunteer, Stephanie, also from PA, joined us as Assistant Cook, and crew leader Hank arrived from Winnipeg to round us out internationally!  So along with Mike and Linda, Ron and Char, and Joanne, there will be nine of us long termers to finish up the work here in Dawson Springs, KY.

A group of 13 volunteers, 8 men and 5 women, came from Illinois to serve with us this week.  Many of them were here last year with us so we were happy to welcome them back!  Mike’s sister and her husband, also from Illinois, arrived Sunday afternoon too, and it’s always good to have them join us!  Garrett joined us from Kansas and we’ve enjoyed getting to know him!

We hadn’t worked at Norma’s house for the last several weeks, but on Monday several volunteers headed there to put in the countertop, clean, and work on the punch list.  She is anxious to move in and we will have a dedication there next week!  The flooring was finished at Alan’s on Monday, plus the front exterior door was painted, along with two interior doors.  Continuing through the week, doors were hung, and baseboards, window extensions and window trim were installed, vanity put in, and cabinets and countertop installed.

At Evelyn’s house, the sanding of the drywall was finished and we are ready for paint!  On Tuesday the entire interior was primed and the two coats of ceiling paint applied. On Wednesday volunteers painted trim and applied first coat of peach wall paint, and by Friday second coat was finished. All the trim was painted for her house and one other.

The first coat of mud and tape went on at Lisa’s and the volunteers are learning well from Hank who is a great teacher.  Mudding and taping continued and they finished on Wednesday. With the humid weather, it wasn’t drying very quickly but by Friday they were putting on the primer.

On Tuesday, cabinets and countertop were installed at Lila’s.  The work there continued through the week with installing baseboard, shelving and putting in bathroom vanities.

We had a delightful evening on Wednesday, when Norma, her son Barry, Josh and Stacey came for the evening meal.  Her resilience and graciousness was very evident as she told us her experience of the tornado.  She, too, is so very grateful to be moving soon into her new home.

Dawson Springs Team – Ron & Char, Joanne, Hank, Steve & Gina, Stephanie, Mike & Linda

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