Join us! Register for our 2025 Annual Celebration and 75th Anniversary

Register for our 2025 Annual Celebration

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Thirteen students from Hillcrest Academy in Iowa joined us on Sunday evening, along with their two group leaders.  All the students are away from school at various learning experiences and we are glad they chose to serve here with MDS.  This is a first time MDS experience for all of them.

On Monday, several volunteers spent the day at Ava’s washing windows, doing more touch up, painting interior doors and installing appliances in preparation for her home dedication later this week.  At Andy’s, several students painting the remaining exterior siding that didn’t get finished last week.  The rest of the volunteers went to work at Lacy’s, the new build.  The forms were just being taken off the foundation in the morning, so while that was being done, the volunteers worked at putting together window and door units.  The rest of the day they put on the center beam, sill plates, rim joists and floor joists.  The rest of the week, we had a huge crew working together on the new build.  By Thursday, subfloor was on, exterior walls up and sheeted, interior walls up, porch headers on and trusses up!  And all this by a majority of minors who can’t use power tools and are hammering nails by hand!

Our weekly volunteers left for home on Friday morning.  Some of us are cleaning up camp since it is the last week. There will be two months off and then camp will reopen for June and July as a youth project.

The guys did some last minute finish up at Ava’s and then worked at Lacy’s.  By the end of the week, Lacy’s house was enclosed, shingled and windows and doors were in!  Great work by the Hillcrest students! We finished the week by handing over the keys to Ava in a home dedication.  She is so grateful to have a home!

It’s been a wonderful two months and we’ve had great volunteers every week!  As you know, if it wasn’t for the volunteers, all of this work would not get done.  Thanks to everyone who came to serve with us in Dawson Springs!  We’re all heading home – see you another time!!

Dawson Springs Team, Ron and Char, Lavern, Ella and Simon, Michael, Mike and Linda

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