March 7, 2022
Coastal Bend, TX RV – Mar 7, 2022
Matthew 9:36-38 “when he saw the crowd he had compassion on them because they were harassed and helpless, like a sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few, therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into the harvest.”
On Friday this group again witnessed the compassion that was evident in the house blessing for Roxanne and her family. This was the first time the family had entered the home. There were non- stop tears from Roxanne and her mother. We listened as Chris the CEO from Coastal Bend Disaster Recovery Group share with the family that there were no federal dollars involved in this home. The monies had come from private corporations and from non- profit groups like Samaritan’s Purse and Catholic Charities. He also shared that most donations were in the average range of $250.00. He shared how they could not build these homes without the partnerships they had established with MDS. This home was another joint adventure of the tradition MDS program and the MDS RV program. Compassion filled the eyes of those in attendance, compassion for those in need of housing.
Last Thursday at Sue’s we accomplished a lot. Our expert tile installers, Bruce, Nancy and Joanne started and finished the porch floor and it looks outstanding. Billy and Duane had primed the floor the day before. When we arrived, Duane ask Sue if she would like to have the outside of her home painted. She looked at unbelief in her eyes then they quickly filled with tears of joy. Billy, Linda, Joe and Jean began painting the outside of the house. Joe went to work on the fascia which had been installed by the roofers. Dave and Jim worked on installing two new bedroom windows. The bathroom window was also replaced with Jim helping. Joe also helped in replacing the front bedroom window along with the other guys. Jim finished up muddy the bathroom and two bedrooms. Dennis worked on putting up some siding that had been taken off to make some repairs in the bathroom. Billy took down an outside light fixture and will be putting a new one up next week.
We are anticipating house blessings on the other four new builds either this coming week or next week. There is such an atmosphere of compassion and love during this service. This is the highlight of being “laborers” here at Coastal Bend RV.
Duane and Jean, Dennis and Joanne, Bruce and Nancy, Jim and Linda, David and Karen, Joe and Roxanne, Billy and Sandi
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