Check out the TWO new books from MDS

Check out the TWO new books from MDS

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Transformation the word that has been going through my thoughts since Friday.  Transformation is defined as “a thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance.”  This group of RV volunteers have sure experienced it the past week.  They have shared in the transformation of an empty lot into a nearly completed home in Port Aransas.  They have witnessed a home in dire need of repairs, showing a dramatic change, one that puts a smile on their faces and optimism in their hearts and optimism in the heart of the homeowner.

Bright and early on Monday morning we split into three crews.  The first crew of Dave, Karen, Joe and Duane went to Port Aransas to Pearl’s home to put on the finishing touches.  They finished up trim and boxed in the attic entrance in the hallway.  Work continued there until Thursday.  Floors were scrubbed, windows washed, screens washed, deck scrubbed, touch up paint on the outside with a little bit of caulking.  A little more work by the electrician and the plumbers and this home will be ready for a house blessing.  To have a home dedication before some of our volunteers leave will be the “icing on the cake for us.”  

Crew number two set out for Refugio to work on Roxanne’s house.  It too is nearing completion and she comes by most days but will not go inside.  She wants to be totally surprised when she sees the transformation.  Dennis, Joanne, Billy and Rita completed the long ramp that ran the entire length of the house, made a left turn and ran the entire length of the east side of the house.   The team brainstormed and with Dennis’s guidance created a gate and steps that will give Roxanne access into the backyard from the platform that created the left- hand turn.

The third group, Jim, Linda, and Ken, went back to Sinton. They continued on with finishing up the dry wall, repairing dry wall under an air conditioner and more paint.  They were joined on Wednesday by Roxanne and Sandy who helped paint in the kitchen and around doors.  The kitchen cabinets were scrubbed by the ladies in order for Jim to spray paint them on Thursday.  What a dramatic change has been seen in this home.  Old flooring was also removed in the utility room in order for new flooring to be put down.  The excitement around the transformation of this home is exciting.  Everyone wants to go there to see the progress and be a part of it. 

Transformation, the word carried around here at Coastal Bend by the RV volunteers.  We know also that God has called each of us to be transformed into His image. Let our hearts and minds be open to His calling daily. 


Duane and Jean, Ken and Rita, Dennis and Joanne, Dave and Karen, Joe and Roxanne, Jim and Linda, Billy and Sandy

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