March 17, 2025
Puerto Rico Pleasures
Karen Loganbill, who lives near Moundridge, Kansas, served with MDS in Puerto Rico in January and February 2025. The following is excerpted from her blog, “Following My Leader.”
“The poorest of the poor,” they told us. We agreed to go with MDS to Puerto Rico to help roof houses that had been damaged by Hurricane Marie over seven years ago.
I went thinking that our accommodations would not be up to the standards of many in the US—I was right. I thought I might regret my inability to speak Spanish—I was right. I thought perhaps the electricity would go out on us—I was right. I thought I might eat quite a bit of beans and rice and try new foods—I was right. I was hoping I would be able to find a good hiking trail or two—and I did.
I did not, however, expect to be moved so by the people of Puerto Rico. Their patience, perseverance, generosity, and dedication astounded and inspired me.
MDS partnered with Techos Pa Mí Gente (TPMG). They vetted the clients who were to receive new roofs, paid for the building materials, and even helped with the construction. TPMG was started by a schoolteacher who became frustrated with the lack of help given to folks after the hurricane. She soon realized a need to quit her teaching job to facilitate the process. In 2018, they realized the need for a more long-term solution; the roof construction began. They have roofed over 100 homes. Even after seven and one-half years, they continue their work without any thought of giving up.
Would I go back? Yes. I loved eating mofongo and tostones (both made from plantains), fresh malonga, papayas, guineos niños (baby bananas), and bread fruit. I enjoyed hiking in the rain forest, observing the huge variety of plants, watching the waves crash on the shore, walking in the warm sand on the beach in January–when temperatures in Kansas hovered around 0 degrees Fahrenheit. Hearing the coquis sing at night; seeing an iguana in a tree next to a client’s house, and sharing a restroom with a tarantula were new experiences for me!
However, foremost, I would go back to be with the people of Puerto Rico again, and perhaps help roof another four homes.
For the full blog, visit