Check out the TWO new books from MDS

Check out the TWO new books from MDS

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Photo of a young adult MDS volunteer installing house wrap on a recent project.

News & Stories

One trip, many hands, warmed hearts

One volunteer, two organizations, many needs met. That’s the short version of Jeff Koller’s story about a trip he took from North Newton, Kansas, to Texas. In November, Mennonite Central Committee (Central States region) put out  the call...

Two years later: the miracle of Mayfield

Retired U.S. Army General Joe Orr can run just about any operation with precision. This includes his role of co-coordinator at Homes and Hope for Kentucky, a nonprofit assisting with long-term tornado recovery in Mayfield and the surrounding Graves...

Cooking and painting with MDS

It was a week before the project closed at the end of September at the Red Lake First Nation in northern Minnesota, and Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS) volunteers were in a hurry to get the last few houses finished before closing for the winter. MDS...

Seeing the Light

“It’s so good to have the light again.” That’s what Polly Lussier of the Red Lake Nation in northern Minnesota said about getting windows back in her house with help from Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS) volunteers. Lussier’s house was...

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