We're monitoring the tornado damage across the Plains States

We're monitoring the damage across the Plains States

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Photo of a young adult MDS volunteer installing house wrap on a recent project.

News & Stories

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A wall gets raised by volunteers in Crisfield, MD

Brothers in service

By Lois Wenger Brothers don’t always think or act alike.  But two Visser brothers have a good thing going.  Isaac, 17, and Ezekiel, 15, are getting some MDS experiences under their belts. Tool belts, that is. Isaac had his first stint...

Hope for the Hopeless

Eastern Kentucky is a unique place.  Families are closely knit for generations.  Many have never left Kentucky…or if they did, only for a brief visit.  Kentucky is home! Even real estate is familial, passed down from generation to generation. ...

RVing a way of life for retired Ohio couple

For Andy and Maureen Hudak of Wadsworth, Ohio, serving with the Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS) Recreational Vehicle (RV) program isn’t just something to do in the winter—it’s a way of life. The retired couple, members of the Sacred Heart...

Faces of the MDS RV program in Louisiana

From October to March, volunteers from across the U.S. and Canada are serving with the Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS) Recreational Vehicle (RV) program.  They are doing repair work in Grand Isle, a barrier island on the Gulf of Mexico that was...

“We feel called to do this”

One thing Sherry and Ed Epp of Independence, Kansas like about the Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS) Recreational Vehicle (RV) program is being with other volunteers and making new friends. “The camaraderie is absolutely wonderful,” said Sherry...

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