Check out the TWO new books from MDS

Check out the TWO new books from MDS

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Photo of a young adult MDS volunteer installing house wrap on a recent project.

News & Stories

People of Planada start to smile again

Charlie, a 14-year-old chihuahua, was sunning himself in the front yard. His owner, Kaylin Bertelsen, led the way past him into her damaged home in Planada. In a tumble of words, she recalled the night of Jan. 9, 2023, when floodwaters overtook her...

Owen Collings and Patsy Gessey outside their house, under construction by MDS volunteers in May 2024. MDS photo/Nikki Hamm Gwala

Building back better

“We didn’t think we were going to be eligible.” That’s what Owen Collings said of federal government grants for wildfire survivors in his village — people who had lost their homes to the Lytton Creek Fire in 2021. Mennonite Disaster Service...

Puerto Rico Pleasures

“The poorest of the poor,” they told us. We agreed to go with MDS to Puerto Rico to help roof houses that had been damaged by Hurricane Marie over seven years ago.  I went thinking that our accommodations would not be up to the standards of many...

“Fire has no social class”

Juan Pablo Plaza prays for wisdom every day. As a husband, a father of two young girls, and a pastor for the Conexion Church of the Brethren in Pasadena, California, he’s trying to care for a lot of people. Plaza lost his home—a parsonage...

From California ashes, sense of unity rises

Snowdrifts of ash, an acrid smell, a lung-burning toxic cocktail hanging in the air. After the Eaton Fire devastated communities in California’s San Gabriel Valley, the interior of the Pasadena Mennonite Church building was unrecognizable...

Raising walls—and volunteer numbers

There’s a house—and a lot of hope—going up at the local 4-H Hall in Wichita, Kansas. Groups of volunteers from Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS), in town for a special 75th anniversary celebration being held at the Ridgepoint Church, were...

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