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About MDS Canada

At MDS Canada, our goal is to restore hope for survivors of natural disasters. We do this by recruiting, organizing and empowering volunteers to repair and rebuild the homes of those impacted by disasters in Canada and the U.S.

MDS volunteers encircled praying.
Our Mission

We respond to disasters, rebuild homes, and restore hope by organizing and empowering volunteers in the U.S. and Canada.

Our Vision

We strive to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those affected by disasters.

Our Core Values

Faith In Action

We believe in and practice a life of service and proclamation founded on the Bible and modeled after the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.

Caring Relationships

We engage all disaster survivors, volunteers, and partners with mutual respect, humility, and accountability.

Working Together

We intentionally seek to work together with all Mennonite conferences and other denominations, and with other partner organizations, to help disaster survivors get back home.

Our Faith

MDS Canada grows out of an Anabaptist/Mennonite perspective of peace, justice and service. We believe in following Christ daily in life through service to others. We accept and support the Mennonite World Conference statement of Shared Convictions.

Who can serve with MDS Canada?

We welcome all who share our values and who want to make a difference in the lives of those impacted by disasters. No construction experience or skill is required; just a willing heart and hands. Learn more about volunteering with MDS.

How We Respond

Through volunteer labour, we respond by assisting the most vulnerable in a community impacted by a natural disaster—people who would not otherwise have the means to recover on their own due to age, ability, lack of insurance or other circumstances.

Guided by expert Project Directors and Construction Supervisors, volunteers of varied skill levels give their time from a few days to a week or longer to build and repair homes damaged or destroyed by disasters like tornadoes, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, or fires.

Our responses can be for a day, a week, a month or more, depending on the size and scope of the response.

When appropriate, we also can provide financial resources to churches and other groups to respond to local disasters or other needs in their communities through our Spirit of MDS Fund.

Read stories about the ways MDS is responding to needs across North America.

Photo of three volunteers around a set of plans on a build site.

MDS Canada is known its collaborative spirit. We work with MDS in the United States; with local congregations; with other faith-based organizations; local disaster recovery committees; and governmental and non-governmental agencies.

How We Are Organized

MDS responses across Canada are led by volunteers from MDS in B.C., Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and Atlantic Canada. Learn more about MDS in your province or region, including contact information. Contact the MDS Canada office in Winnipeg.

How We Are Supported

MDS Canada depends on donations from Canadians to do its work, along with grants from foundations and other organizations. Become a supporter today! Read our most recent annual report about how we use resources to help people impacted by disaster.

Mennonite Disaster Service Canada is registered with the Canada Revenue Agency. Our Registered Charity Number is 89388 8263 RR0001.

Monte Lake, volunteers work with lumber outdoors.

MDS Canada Audited Financial Statements

At MDS Canada, we are committed to transparency in all we do. This includes financially through reporting to our donors and granting organizations about how we use the funds so generously given to us. We do this through stories about our work,  through our annual reports, and by posting our annual audited statements. Find links to them below.