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Photo of a young adult MDS volunteer installing house wrap on a recent project.

News & Stories

Refined by Location:Alabama & Northwest Florida X

At 101 years old, he’s back home

Shirley Smith, 83, waits every day to hear the singing. From her living room, where she sits and cares for her 101-year-old husband, Joe Smith, she hears the sounds of MDS volunteers who are repairing their home in Selma, Alabama: hammering, sawing...

Photo of volunteers moving shingles from a trailer to the roof on a house in Marianna Florida.

“This is a chance at life”

Jeffery Moseley is a patient man. As the resident of Marianna, Fla. watched Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS) close the doors on his half-built home in December because of a spike in COVID-19 cases, he knew the volunteers would be back. “COVID has...

A man walks past a house surrounded by fallen trees.

2019 Spring Storms Response

Lee County, Alabama Tornado MDS sent in an investigation team to Macon, Barbour and Lee counties to determine the needs and how MDS can be most helpful. Search and rescue efforts have been wrapped up and everyone is accounted for. Permits to travel...

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