Check out the TWO new books from MDS

Check out the TWO new books from MDS

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New month – new people.  Vernon and Mary; Jim and Linda; Darlene and Lynn and Ken and Rita headed out of Welsh; either to return directly home or to take a slower journey in order to enjoy some additional southern sun.  Their shoes need to be filled by fewer feet  —  their replacements are Paul and Peggy and Rod and Chris. 


Every day we and the new homeowner-to-be are getting more excited as the new homes fast approach completion.  When we started in January the structures were well on their way – thanks to the Jennings group.  However, when you see just a shell of a house it is hard not to envision the immensity of the work that remains and how can we be done in time.  I suspect that experienced contractors can see the end from the beginning but I cannot. 


As I compose this report the 3 bedroom home on Gasoline Alley is done except for some cleanup of the yard and some landscaping and final connection of utilities.  The owners-to-be toured the house yesterday and were so excited they could hardly talk.  The two bedroom house on Penny St requires baseboard, casing and window trim and a few doors and a water heater.  The appliances will be delivered in a few days. Then the finishing touches and cleanup can commence. 


We have not set a date for house dedications for these two homes but it will be soon.  We have been to two house dedications of homes built by the Jennings traditional group — being there creates such excitement around the future when it will be our turn to host a house dedication. 


We continue to enjoy the wonderful supper supplied by the Jennings Church on Wednesday evening – I think our pallets are finally starting to adapt to the spicy southern fare.  Our park has several tennis courts and two baseball diamonds.  Both are starting to see lots of use.  We can hear loud cheers from the fans observing the games. 


Jean had a birthday last week (no hints at how young she is) –we all went to a very popular restaurant  (DI’s) to celebrate with some great food and Cajun music. 

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