Check out the TWO new books from MDS

Check out the TWO new books from MDS

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We get to enjoy a wonderful municipal park in the Town of Welsh.  It has 14 full hook-up sites that are mostly flat and graveled.  (see photo)Along the north side is a row of trees and a small creek.  When you face the south side, you can see two baseball diamonds, a fenced-n 4 tennis court area (used occasionally for pickle ball).(see photos) some picnic facilities and a newly constructed (not yet open splash park).
Sunsets here can be quite beautiful (photo).
If you walk along the path the encircles the park, you will pass a sign (see photo) that warns of reptilian residents.  Sure enough, we have seen two or three of them (not sure how many as they have not been issued with MDS nametags).
There are several other RV parks in the area but three cheers for whoever selected this park – we like it big time.
 Wayne Papple

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