November 12, 2022
Paradise, CA – Nov. 6-12, 2022
Weekly report from Paradise, CA for the week of November 7-11.
We had a large group of volunteers from Winnipeg, Manitoba this week from The Meeting Place organized by Denis Sabourin. We were very thankful for all the help.
Something very unusual happened this week in Paradise. It rained!! Yes, we had 3 days of rain in a row which really put a damper on building plans. Regardless, the rains were much needed and we were able to improvise to still get a lot accomplished.
Interior work was done on the Moreno home. Closet shelving was installed, lighting was hung and baseboards were completed.
On the Ream house vents were installed on the roof and between rain showers it was attempted to get the shingles on. By the end of the week it was all shingled.
We are starting a new house project for the Reyes family. The footers were dug by hand for their home. The digging was not easy. There were lots of sore muscles from the digging.
Lisa Schamback