June 17, 2022
Paradise, CA – May 29-June 4, 2022
Toward the end of this week we received a wonderful gift. It rained in Paradise! We received 1.25 inches over a 24-hour span, gentle and steady. It all soaked into the earth and the plants drank it eagerly. This is the best fire prevention possible. Thanks be to God!
Our short-term volunteers this week came uniquely qualified to further advance the two projects we are working on. Six volunteers from Oregon and two from New York composed our crews.
One crew began installing drywall on the Wylie house on Honey Run Road. Doug Wylie, the homeowner, is so excited to see the progress on his house. Only a small portion remains to be installed. Some in the crew report that their highlight was seeing a large rattlesnake. Yes, they kept their distance. It appeared to be a Northern Pacific Rattlesnake. A factor that will help the future safety of volunteers is the completed cutting of weeds around the project.
The other crew began installing the trusses on the Scottwood house, along with the required blocking and strapping. When the trusses were erected, both on the main roof and the porches, some roof sheathing was begun. My, what a difference this week made in the appearance of the home. The MDS volunteers made a difference for this homeowner!
Next week the hope is to complete the drywall installation and finishing at Honey Run. Then painting can begin; his cabinets have arrived. On Scottwood, the hope is to finish the framing and exterior sheathing. Inspection will be next.
In the meantime, there is work to do on our other projects, both on Jewell Rd and Newland Rd. Two new houses are beginning the permitting process. We will have a nice variety of work for future volunteers.
More transition in long-term leadership occurred the end of this week this week. We said goodbye to our cooks, Lois and Erma Wenger, and welcomed Carol Brubaker, Head Cook, and Vera Martin, Assistant Cook. With them came their husbands, Leon Brubaker, Crew Leader, and Aaron Martin, long-term volunteer. Both couples claim Lancaster County, PA, as their home.
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