Check out the TWO new books from MDS

Check out the TWO new books from MDS

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We welcomed weekly volunteers from New York State and Oregon as well as new long-term volunteers from New York State, Kentucky, Alabama and Illinois.  Lois & Wayne Hochstetler will be serving as Project Director and Office Manager; Fred Hershey as Construction Supervisor; Lois and Erma Wenger as Head Cook and Assistant Cook.  With the overlap of the new and out going long-term volunteers our numbers came to eleven.  For several meals there were as many as 15 gathered around the dinner table as Steve Wiest, Maynard Goins, and two of Steve’s guests joined us several days this week.

With shovels and wheel barrows in hand, the ditch for the sewer line at Scottwood was filled in, then drywall for the ceiling at Newland was unloaded and a coat of primer paint carefully rolled on the siding boards for Scottwood.  The weather co-operated nicely for our crew to work outside applying not only primer but the final coats of paint on the Scottwood siding.  Several of the crew began laying the flooring at Jewell Rd; Meeks came and installed the insulation in the walls at Newland Rd as well as at Honey Run Rd.

Highlights of the week included having Steve, Maynard and their guests with us for several days; getting the insulation inspected at Newland Rd. and the wonderful meals, including “pow-wow muffins” prepared by our cooks.   Lois, our head cook, lead us in a creative devotional regarding the relationship and size the planets and the sun have to each other.

Over the weekend Chris, Doug Wylie’s neighbor, will be digging a hole for the septic pump and then Excel Plumbing will finish the rough-in plumbing.  Starting Monday, Newland Rd. and Honey Run Rd. will be ready for drywall to be hung.  Scottwood is ready for the trusses as well.

It’s been a rewarding month again, helping folks get closer to moving into their new homes.  We always find joy in forming new friendships with each team of volunteers too.   As Henry, Don and I leave after our month here, we hand over the leadership roles to very capable hands.

Submitted by Rachel Horst for the Paradise team.

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