May 19, 2022
Paradise, CA – May 8-14, 2022
Even though our team this week only consisted of our eight long term volunteers, they completed a lot of important work. This group of long termers is the same as last week.
Monday the team spent time finishing the sanding and doing clean up at Jewell Rd. in preparation for the next step, painting. Tues. tile was laid around the wood stove at Stone Mountain as well as the beam repair work done. Wed. additional insulation was added to the Stone Mountain attic; tile was grouted; pantry and ‘fridge cabinet installed. Thurs. a coat of primer paint was put on the Jewell Rd. house as well as vents installed at Newland. On Friday the crew started on the framing at Scottwood.
Highlights of the week include having Bruce Yerman, Camp Fire Collaborative Director of Operations, and his wife Sara, join us for a tasty pot roast dinner that our cooks prepared. Additionally, the long-awaited highlight was successfully completing the final inspection at Cheryle’s. Our cooks enjoyed going up to Stone Mountain and helping wipe down the tile Tom laid on the walls behind where her wood burning stove will go. Rachel enjoyed some time out of the office helping Don clean up the work site at Newland and Honey Run Rd.
Plans for the coming week will be to continue framing at Scottwood with priority on keeping progress moving forward on Doug Wylie’s house as his health continues to be challenged.
Saturday evening some of our group enjoyed looking up old friends in a neighboring town while others took in a relaxing evening of music, out on the patio, at the Rock House north of Concow.
Submitted by Rachel Horst for the Paradise team.
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