March 17, 2023
Paradise, CA – March 12-18, 2023
Long termers this week were the same as last week with the addition of Lois and Wayne Hochstetler, Bloomington, IL coming to serve as the next project director and office manager; Paul Miller, Lancaster, PA as construction supervisor. Our weekly volunteers were a group of 21 from F&M College in Lancaster, PA, bringing this week’s total to 31.
Eventually the rains stopped, the sun came out and drywall mudding moved ahead at the Reyes house. At Kellogg the 4-way inspection was done, insulation installed and inspected, correct roof vents installed, external painting completed, water line ditch dug as well as cleanup of the yard. Shelving and the installation of bathroom fixtures was done at the Ream house. Textured drywall mudding was completed at the Loomis house.
Our team of F&M students enjoyed the sightseeing John Little provided during the rainy days at the beginning of the week. When the sun came out on Wednesday, they happily dove into the tasks set before them and especially enjoyed working outside, soaking up the warmth from the sun!
Plans for the upcoming week include finishing the mudding at Reyes, hanging drywall at Kellogg, doing interior painting at Loomis and possibly getting the final inspection at Ream.
Don and I greatly appreciate all the weekly and long-term volunteers we had the privilege to work with this past month. We feel very good about the amount of work that was accomplished in spite of the wintery mix of weather that kept coming. We say goodbye to another meaningful time spent in Paradise helping folks get closer to moving into their new homes.
Submitted by Rachel Horst for the Paradise team.
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