Check out the TWO new books from MDS

Check out the TWO new books from MDS

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In one week, our time of service in Marianna FL, as a RV work site will be in our past!  This week has been full with three jobs remaining to be finished.

Job #10 – On Monday, Ray’s team removed the kitchen cabinets, patched the walls and painted.  In the following days, they worked on flooring, completed installation of cabinets and countertop and worked on drywall.

Job #11 – Fred’s team continued working at this job site.  They did sanding, painting, electrical work, completed kitchen wall framing and lathe work, and hung drywall in the kitchen, living room and laundry room.  They started kitchen flooring and set the kitchen cabinets.

Job #12 – Fred’s team finished our part on this job last week, and on Thursday a local contractor sprayed foam insulation.   On Friday morning, Fred, Millie, Everett, Bev, Ken and Suetta held a house blessing for the homeowner.  She was very excited to have the work completed and invited friends and family to be present at the house blessing.

Job #13 – Ray’s team began work on this job on Monday.  They worked on hanging and finishing drywall, trim cleaning, flooring and painting.

On Monday, one of our volunteers, Steve, twisted his ankle and visited the ER.  He is now sporting a cast and crutches.  Unfortunately, Steve and Pam had to leave on Thursday morning to receive additional treatment at home.  They have been here since the middle of January, and their contributions to our team will be missed.  On Thursday evening, the homeowner and his mother at Job #11 provided two large pans of very delicious lasagna.  The homeowner said his mother’s lasagna is the BEST and we all agree!

Submitted by Ruth for the Entire Team

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