April 1, 2022
Jennings, LA – Mar 27-Apr 1, 2022
Wrap-up week, with our crew from Lancaster, PA area helping us. They get to attend two dedications this week, one at Indira Francis’ house on Wednesday, and one at the Stroders on Thursday. Indira did not want to sign her job card because it means we are leaving!! The crew there is finishing details as fast as they can, but it sure looks a sight better than it did even a few weeks ago.
Jerry Grosh and the two Darren’s were here, getting the Yoder one introduced to the project as he steps in for Jerry. It was lovely to have them down again. Wednesday night we had crawfish boil put on by the church folks who supply dinner for us once a week.
We have discovered that it is quite windy 70% of the time here. As you know, last week tornadoes hit New Orleans, keeping us on high alert. One went not far north of us. On Wednesday there were again tornadoes in the larger area. Our prayers get more real, and we begin to understand what it feels like to be in the path of severe storms. And why this is hurricane country.
Meanwhile we are slowly finishing up jobs in preparation for leaving. On Tuesday we had to re-tarp a home we went to fix the roof on. It was far more damaged than we expected, so it will have to wait for the next team to come in May. Gerard Keeley got house wrap and windows yesterday instead of the new roof we could not fix. So his house is almost completely enclosed, which is where it needs to be. He is planning to move into his shed because FEMA is about to start charging rent on their trailers.
The two homes we dedicated are done, and some smaller jobs too. The big one we will leave open is for Ms. Shirley Zeno, whose old home was demolished on Wednesday and Thursday. She is such an amazing, diminutive lady, surrounded by hulking grandsons and nephews whom she may very well have raised. She is most certainly raising four great grandchildren. They are lucky to have a grandma with such outspoken faith. Everyone we meet who knows her, says she is the most deserving one to receive a new house.
Submitted by Christa Barth on behalf of the Jennings, LA team
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