Check out the TWO new books from MDS

Check out the TWO new books from MDS

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We had a great week here on Grand Isle, LA.  We are frantically working trying to get as much done as we can on Miss Joy’s house as we are counting down the days when we have to head north again.  All of the flooring got installed this week which dramatically changed the looks of the home.  The walls and ceilings are all painted also.  Interior doors and trim casings are painted and will be installed the last few days we are here.

On Tuesday night we were blessed with a lasagna dinner from a lady at church.  We sure did appreciate that because when we get home after working we are tired and nobody feels like cooking.  Also, one day this week a neighbor lady stopped in while we were working and she had made us fried chicken, jambalaya and shrimp wontons for our lunch.   We were very surprised and it sure tasted better than our peanut butter and jelly sandwich that we had previously prepared to eat.  The people on Grand Isle are very friendly and really appreciate having help come in.  We feel blessed to have spent 3 months with the people of Grand Isle.  Even though Grand Isle has erratic weather which can be life threatening and destructive materially it is an absolute paradise when all is calm.

Submitted by Lisa Schamback

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