February 4, 2023
Eastern, KY – Jan. 29 – Feb. 4, 2022
The weather was a little more wintry this week with rain, sleet and frosty temperatures, but still much got done on our projects. We are thankful for indoor work on days like this. Fourteen men and women from Pennsylvania joined us and as usual, by the end of the week there was good progress even though on some days it felt a bit slow. We bid farewell to our cooks on Friday, sorry to see them go, but thankful that they were able to change their schedule and join us on short notice.
At Lee’s house there were doors hung, and trimmed out, more painting and caulking, door latches installed, and some cleaning done. We are waiting on some more doors and then we can finish up this project and Lee can move in again.
There was more trim work and painting done at Tamara’s home this week. There was plumbing done and a wall moved so the shower can be put in, a beam built for the ceiling, and some tongue and groove put on one wall. Tamara and her dad, Sam worked along with the volunteers and are very thankful for the work being done.
On Nolan and Tosha’s new home the stem wall was finished, and the concrete poured in the bond beam. There was some work done on the sewer system and the building package and the trusses were delivered and unloaded, ready for the framing crew to begin work on Monday.
At the Spicer new build, the lumber from the building package was brought in and it is also ready for the framing crew come Monday.
We only spent one day this week at Olie + Barb’s house, finishing up some loose ends, a bit of painting and cleaning, and wrapping the ducts with insulation. Olie can now move out of the basement and Barb can come back home. Olie had some health issues this week and our volunteers were able to pray for him and see God at work as Olie’s pain eased almost immediately.
At Paul’s house, there was much drywall hung, taped and mudded. The shower got installed in one bathroom, and there was some plumbing work done. The floor was patched, some windows were trimmed, patio doors fixed and a bannister built for the porch. The homeowners are very pleased with the progress.
Sharon’s house also saw more drywall mudding and sanding, and it’s ready for painting now. There was trim installed and painted as well.
On another site, we came alongside Bill and Karen and got to work on fixing up the wiring in the house, and it is ready for inspection now. We also built them a set of stairs so they can more easily get into the house and plans were made for other work to be done next week.
And so, another week has come and gone. We enjoyed good food and fellowship and looking back, saw that good work had been done, again! Thanks to all who came and served so cheerfully.
From Eastern KY, Ronda, MaryEllen, Greg, Scott, Leon, Rebecca, Scott, Larry, Mike, Scott, Luke, Susie, Alex, Phill, Jim, Martha, Hannah, Jonas, Steve, Gina, Andrew, Kerry, Jo