March 1, 2025
Crisfield, MD – Feb. 23-Mar. 1, 2025
On Sunday evening we welcomed 10 volunteers from PA, six women and four men, along with another gentleman from Maryland. They arrived on a beautiful sunny day and it looks like the week ahead will be filled with sunshine and warmer temperatures! This will be the final week for the seven of us long term volunteers, most of which have been serving here for the last two months.
On Sunday morning, several of us worshipped with the members of Enon Baptist, where much has been accomplished over the last month. We were welcomed warmly and enjoyed the time of worship with them. They are so grateful for what God has done through the hands and feet of the MDS volunteers!
The work started on Monday morning with three crews heading out to three different sites. There are numerous small finish up jobs to be done at Enon Baptist, so several started there. Another small crew went to the site of Chase’s house, which is being elevated house to get him out of the flood area. There the volunteers demolished the old blocks under the house and prepared the foundation to be built on again with new blocks. A third crew went to continue the sanding inside at the new build.
By Wednesday, the interior of the new build was almost entirely painted, and several volunteers began laying the new laminate flooring. The bathrooms were finished at the Baptist Church, complete with plumbing and doors! Some finish up work was in progress there also. A couple of volunteers also worked at the elevated house to prepare for adding several new piers underneath.
By Friday, flooring was completed at the new build along with extension jambs. Work was wrapped up at the Baptist Church and a final clean was done. The elevated house is ready for the block layers.
Along with our usual delicious meal on Tuesday evening, we had two very special additions! Chase’s mom brought us one of the famous Smith Island cakes as a thank you from Chase to the volunteers, and a lady from Enon Baptist brought us a pan of her own special crab cakes! Both were delicious additions to our meal and we relished every bite!
There were six teenagers in the PA group this week and they surprised the adults in the group by signing up for all the devotions and meal cleanup! We have been blessed to hear their devotions each morning that are so well thought out and give us good thoughts to carry us through the day
Long term team – Adam Blough, Ron & Char Roth, Dick & Sharon Schock and Mike & Linda Stuckey
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