Check out the TWO new books from MDS

Check out the TWO new books from MDS

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As I flip through my small notebook, I recall the projects we have worked on in the last twenty- three weeks.  I recall the remodels, the repairs, new builds, but most importantly owners and new friends we have encountered. I am reminded of the vast opportunities that God has given us to do his service and we are blessed beyond measure.

On Monday the guys returned to the home of Kristian, they worked on dry wall, taking off soffit and adding flashing and then more caulk.  They were even able to help Kristian’s husband do some minor repairs to his radiator.  Tuesday brought new flooring and painting.  The guys were able to finish up on Wednesday.  Jean and Linda did some painting and cleaning on the home that housed some of the traditional program in Rockport.

This past week on Thursday we were honored to be part of two individual house blessings.  These were two new builds that Disaster Aid of Ohio along with the RV Program started on October 2021.  The Traditional MDS program finished them up the first week in March 2022.  We were also the guest of Coastal Bend Disaster Recovery Group for lunch.  It was an honor for us as we listened to Chris acknowledge the case managers and board members who have served over the last five years with them.  They will conclude their program here in the Coastal Bend area at the end of the year.

 The first house blessing was at the home of Jesus. Jesus had been caring for his wife for several years.  Shortly after her passing Hurricane Harvey struck and he lost his home.  Before we even had the steps completed he stopped by.  He precariously entered the home using one of our ladders.  He walked through the home completely overjoyed that he would have another one constructed.  His daughter often stopped in to check on our progress and relayed this to her father who spoke very little English.  This home has a ramp that runs the full length of the home. During the blessing his daughter translated for him, the translation included tears and hugs.

 The second house blessing was at the home of Norma. Norma was joined by her cousin, her daughter-in-law and granddaughter for the blessing.  She shared not only was the house ‘a gift from God’, but that she had been spiritually blessed by a man in the traditional program who shared her deep grief in losing a child.  Norma lost not only her home almost five years ago, but her son last August due to Covid-19. He been trying to secure housing for her.  Norma’s daughter-in-law spoke at the blessing saying  “it had given him peace knowing his mother would be taken care of before he died.”

On Monday we will have some small jobs to do, helping with some doors, a little more caulk, paint, roof and plumbing work. On Tuesday after helping Coastal Bend Recovery Group on a home in Aransas Pass we will break down the camp, clean equipment and move the office trailer along with the truck and tool trailer.

One of the volunteers Linda Showalter said to me “when you volunteer you are doing church in a tangible way.”   Ephesians 2:10 says “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”   I want to take a moment to thank MDS for providing the opportunity to do good works through the partnership with Coastal Bend Disaster Recovery Group here in Coastal Bend.

Duane and Jean, Jim and Linda, David and Karen, Joe and Roxanna

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